The Science of Human Connection


Intangience Immersion Course

What is remarkable about the experience you’re about to encounter is that the impact is immediate. You will experience the world around you differently and find yourself being able to identify new opportunities for personal and professional growth. It all comes from gaining the facility of understanding and applying the science behind how and why we respond to certain stimuli and language.

Let your brand speak the language that’s changing the world. Build your purpose-driven brand with this award-winning methodology in 2 days.

Intangience is an award-winning methodology that is used to create purpose-driven brands that truly resonate with their audiences. As a methodology, Intangience was developed by dissecting the techniques used by the world’s most influential brands and transforming them into a proprietary process for purposeful brand development.

The course guides participants on how to better define their business and brand by developing a deep understanding of the way in which the customer places value upon any purchase through the meaning it has to them. This redefining process is key to identifying opportunities and developing effective communication strategies.

With the direct guidance of the creator of Intangience, Ernie Ross, participants will come out of this course having created and/or reinvigorated their own compelling brand story, centered around purpose and shared human values.


26-27th Sept 2024

Time commitment

2 days


Ecole des Ponts, Paris, France

What is included:

The goals of the Intangience courses are…

Course Breakdown

After the Intangience course, you will be able to:


Module 1
How intangible values are defining the success of global brands.
Module 2
How to build your brand architecture on Intangience.
Module 3
How to develop an emotional connection with your brand.
Module 4
How to redefine your business and uncover new opportunities.
Module 5
How to develop brand characteristics based upon understanding a customer’s core values.
Module 6
How to create an organic message and shift perspectives.
Module 7
How to transform a complex concept into a commonly understood experience.
Module 8
How to create a brand differentiation when none exists.
Module 9
How to understand and develop the science of human connection.
Module 10
How to build a consistent and meaningful brand purpose.

Who is this course for?

Company Teams

We encourage participants to attend in multi-disciplinary teams of 2-4 people. Dissecting and developing a brand through the Intangience course helps teams speak the same language and gain a better understanding of their organization’s goals, values and desired positioning, all the while limiting cognitive dissonance. Whether it is for a product or company brand, we encourage teams to include at least one decision-maker and members representing branding, sales, marketing and/or product teams.


While we do encourage teams, we welcome solo attendees who want to deepen their knowledge of branding. Consumers are demanding more from their brands. Beyond the product or service they provide, consumers want brands that embody human and societal values.

Professionals from marketing, branding, product design, and sales, as well as founders, can proactively upskill through this course to create a brand resonance that can meet the growing consumer needs in an authentic and meaningful way.

Intangience Immersion Course